
Corporate Governance

Chapter 7 Accounting

Article 35 Fiscal Year
  1. 35.1 The fiscal year of the Company shall commence on January 1 and conclude on December 31 of each year.
    35.2 The initial fiscal year of the Company shall commence on the date of the Company’s incorporation and shall conclude on December 31 of that year.

Article 36 Accounting Books and Records
  1. The Company shall maintain one set of accounting books at its headquarters that accurately reflect the Company’s financial status.

Article 37 Financial Statements
  1. 37.1 The Representative Director shall prepare the following documents and submit them to the Audit Committee after obtaining the approval of the Board of Directors, no later than six weeks prior to the date of the regular general stockholders’ meeting.
    37.1.1 Balance Sheet (Statement of Financial Position)
    37.1.2 Income Statement
    37.1.3 Other documents that reflect the Company’s financial position and operating performance as prescribed by the Enforcement Decree of the Commercial Act.
    37.2 The Audit Committee shall submit its audit report regarding the documents specified in Article 37.1 to the Representative Director no later than one week prior to the date of the regular general stockholders’ meeting.
    37.3 The Representative Director shall keep the audit report and the documents specified in Article 37.1 at the Company’s headquarters for a period of five years starting from one week prior to the date of the regular general stockholders' meeting, and shall maintain copies of such documents at the Company’s branches for a period of three years.
    37.4 The Representative Director shall submit the documents specified in Article 37.1 to the regular general stockholders' meeting for approval.

Article 38 Disposition of Profits
  1. The profits for the fiscal year shall be disposed of in accordance with the resolution of the stockholders’ meeting.

Article 39 Payment of Dividends
  1. 39.1 Dividends shall be paid to the stockholders and pledgees recorded in the Company’s stockholder register as of the date specified in Article 13.
    39.2 Dividends shall be paid within one month from the date of approval at the regular general stockholders’ meeting, unless otherwise determined at the meeting that approved such dividends.
    39.3 The right to claim dividends shall expire if not exercised within five years from the date of the resolution made by the stockholders’ meeting that determined such dividends.
    39.4 Payment of dividends may be made in cash, stocks, or other assets.

Article 40 Interim Dividends
  1. 40.1 The Company may declare interim dividends to stockholders as of the end of March, June, and September, commencing from the start of the fiscal year, in accordance with Article 165-12 of the Financial Investment Services and Capital Markets Act. Interim dividends shall be paid in cash.
    40.2 Interim dividends as stipulated in Article 40.1 shall be resolved by the Board of Directors, and such resolution must be made within 45 days following the record date specified in Article 40.1.
    40.3 Interim dividends shall be limited to the amount obtained by deducting the following amounts from the net assets reflected in the balance sheet of the previous fiscal period:
    40.3.1 The amount of the capital stock from the previous fiscal period;
    40.3.2 The total amount of capital reserves and appropriated retained earnings accumulated up to the previous fiscal period;
    40.3.3 Unrealized gains as prescribed by the Enforcement Decree of the Commercial Act;
    40.3.4 The amount determined for profit distribution at the regular general stockholders’ meeting of the previous fiscal period;
    40.3.5 Discretionary reserves accumulated for specific purposes in accordance with the provisions of the Articles of Incorporation or resolutions of the stockholders’ meeting up to the previous fiscal period;
    40.3.6 The retained earnings that must be appropriated for the current fiscal period in accordance with the interim dividends;
    40.3.7 In the event that interim dividends were declared during the current fiscal year, the total amount of such dividends;
    40.4 In cases where new stocks are issued after the commencement date of the fiscal year and prior to the record date specified in Article 40.1 (including cases of capitalizing reserves, stock dividends, conversion requests for convertible bonds, or exercising SUBSCRIPTION rights of bonds with SUBSCRIPTION warrants), the new stocks shall be subject to the provisions of Article 8.5 with respect to interim dividends.