
Corporate Governance

Chapter 4 General Meeting of Stockholders

Article 17 Types of General Meetings and Convening
  1. 17.1 The Company's general meetings of stockholders shall be classified into regular general meetings and extraordinary general meetings.
    17.2 The regular general meeting of stockholders shall be held within three months from the date specified in Article 13.
    17.3 Extraordinary general meetings of stockholders may be convened at any time by resolution of the Board of Directors.

Article 18 Convening of General Meetings
  1. 18.1 The general meeting of stockholders shall be convened by the representative director or a director designated by the representative director, following a resolution of the Board of Directors, unless otherwise provided by law. The location of the general meeting shall be at the Company's headquarters or nearby areas, as well as other locations determined by the Board of Directors.
    18.2 To convene a general meeting of stockholders, a notice stating the date, time, location, and agenda of the meeting shall be sent to each stockholder in writing or in electronic document format at least two weeks prior to the date of the meeting.
    18.3 For stockholders owning 1% or less of the total issued stocks with voting rights, the notice of convening the general meeting may be substituted by announcing the intention to convene the meeting and the agenda in at least two instances in newspapers published in Seoul, such as the Korea Economic Daily and Maeil Business Newspaper, or by posting it on the electronic disclosure system operated by the Financial Supervisory Service or the Korea Exchange, at least two weeks prior to the meeting.

Article 18-2 Respect for Minority Stockholders
  1. The Company shall respect the rights of minority stockholders and sole stockholder rights recognized under the Commercial Act and related laws.

Article 19 Authority of the Chairperson and Maintenance of Order
  1. 19.1 The chairperson of the general meeting shall be the representative director. In the absence of the representative director, the chairperson shall be a director designated by the representative director; if no designation is made, one of the directors shall perform the duties of the chairperson.
    19.2 The chairperson of the general meeting may order the cessation of remarks or the expulsion of any person who significantly disrupts the order of the meeting through remarks or actions aimed at deliberately obstructing the proceedings.
    19.3 The chairperson of the general meeting may limit the time and number of remarks by stockholders when deemed necessary to ensure the smooth conduct of the proceedings.

Article 20 Validity and Resolution of the General Meeting
  1. The general meeting shall be validly convened by a majority of the voting rights of the stockholders present, unless otherwise stipulated by law; provided that the number of stocks represented must be at least one-fourth of the total number of issued stocks.

Article 21 Voting Rights
  1. 21.1 Each stockholder shall have one voting right for each stock owned.
    21.2 A stockholder may have a representative exercise their voting rights on their behalf. In such cases, the representative must present a written document evidencing their authority to the general meeting of stockholders.
    21.3 If a stockholder holding two or more voting rights wishes to exercise them inconsistently, they must notify the Company in writing of their intent and the reasons for doing so at least three days prior to the date of the general meeting. However, the Company may refuse the inconsistent exercise of voting rights by a stockholder unless the stockholder has acquired the stocks under a trust or holds the stocks on behalf of another party.
    21.4 Stockholders may exercise their voting rights by means of a written document without attending the general meeting. If necessary for the exercise of voting rights by written document, the Company shall attach the necessary documents and reference materials for the exercise of the voting rights to the notice of convening the general meeting. Stockholders intending to exercise their voting rights by written document must complete the required information in such documents and submit them to the Company by the date of the general meeting.

Article 22 Adjournment or Recess of the General Meeting
  1. The general meeting may decide to continue the meeting or to adjourn it.

Article 23 Minutes of the Meeting
  1. The content and results of the resolutions made at the general meeting of stockholders shall be recorded in the minutes, and those minutes shall be signed or sealed by the chairperson and the directors in attendance and kept at the Company's head office and branches.